Eternal Angler
Some absolute stunning footage of northern pike and carp, along with bluegill and what I believe is a grass pickerel right around 0:34. This video really shows off the incredible stability of the Gladius Mini, again I still think it's the most stable and reliable underwater drone on the market. This underwater footage was captured by FotoVideoShop, be sure to subscribe to his channel on YouTube. Goes to show you don't have to spend a whole lot of money to capture professional underwater video footage.
An amazing clear shot of some asian carp swimming buy, absolutely crystal clear and stunning, really showing off that 1/2.3" sensor.
Underwater footage of some beautiful Northern Pike
Beautiful shots of some bluegill panfish.
A lot of asian carp, looks like a few grass carp mixed in here.
Rare species of esox, looks like a grass pickerel