Underwater Footage of Largemouth Bass Lake St. Clair

Eternal Angler


So I didn't really buy the Geneinno T1 for it's camera, but rather the robotic claw/gripper and the other features that Geneinno plans on implementing in such as the Sonar. I mean having an extendable interface down below for more attachments is pretty darn cool, but now I'm starting to realize it would of be nice if Geneinno eqipped the T1 with the CMOS sensor that QYSEA and Chasing is using for their underwater drones, I think that 1/2.3 inch CMOS sensor comes in handy for days where there's very murky water like this one here, where I recently filmed a bunch of largemouth bass on film at a St. Clair Shores Marina out of Lake St. Clair.

I'm really not sure how much of difference that 1/2.3 sensor would make compared to the 1/2.5 sensor, but I've noticed the video footage I'm seeing with the Gladius Mini and Fifish V6 tends to be better with less pixelation. I mean sure you're still going to find videos like this one here, where the Gladius Mini is filming a bunch of baby bass in pretty murky conditions, no matter what you're going some sort of pixelation in these type of conditions. This freshwater footage seems very dark, so I'm wondering if it was close to dusk or night time when this footage was filmed.

Bottom line, the bigger the sensor, the more light you can get into the sensor, the better quality video footage you'll have, no doubt. I noticed when I flipped on the 3,000 lumens lights and got closer to the Gizzard Shad school at the end of the video, the pixelation dissipated and the video quality got a lot better.

I wonder if there's a way I could maybe have someone modify my Geneinno T1 with a better sensor? Probably not, I may try attaching my GoPro 5 Black on the T1 or even buy the new GoPro 8 Black, which has hypersmooth, both of these action cameras use a lot bigger sensor than the sensor equipped on the T1. However having a action camera in the shape of a brick on my underwater drone may ruin the hydrodynamics and make it move inconsistently through the water.

Also, I'm not happy with the little bit of fish eye distortion I get when a fish gets close to the camera lens, seems to distort the head and fins of the fish. But again, I really didn't buy the T1 for filming fish, but rather the robotic arm. I suspect the 160 degree lens will probably come in handy for covering more ground and treasure hunting. And I must say, I don't tend to see any fish eye distortion with the 166 degree camera lens on the QYSEA Fifish V6 though. However, the Fifish V6 isn't very stable most of the time and it's jerking/erratic when filming fish. There's just so many pros and cons with these underwater drones, you have to weigh all the plus and misuses yourself, choose which features you like most and contemplate what you plan on using the drone for.

Anyways, I still enjoy filming with the Geneinno T1, the panfish tend to have a lot less distortion with the fish eye lens, any fish with a longer body shape like a bass or pike when it gets up close to the camera tends to be more distorted. Maybe Geneinno has a way of fixing this with a software update? Like how GoPro is able to change from Wide View to Narrow View for less fish eye? I'm not sure, but I think I remember seeing on Fifish V6's app software they can change from different view points.








I also wonder if I choose filming in 1080p instead of 4k, in darker murkier conditions like this, 1080p might look a lot better. I've tried filming in underwater footage in both 1080p and 4k with my GoPro 5 Black and the 1080 footage seems to turn out better, brighter and less pixelation. I've heard this is due to making the sensor work less hard, so it allows for more light to come in, something on those lines...