I thought I had posted this before, but maybe I forgot. This was a modification someone had done to the robotic arm claw on the Geninno Titan. Very simple, he had just taped a piece of foam about 10 centimetres up on the pole he said to increase the bouncy on the robotic arm, as many Geneinno Titan owners say, once you add the claw, the underwater drone lean forward more and it's a lot harder to navigate. Hopefully with the next model, they can work on the bouncy of the robotic arm to keep things better well balanced.
Glad to see that Geneinno listens to their customers Will, the new robotic arm claw looks great! Like I said on Geneinno's Facebook page, I hope you consider a trade-in program for those that have the old robotic arm, kind of like what GoPro does with their old model action cameras. I think in the long run can benefit the company, boost sales, make customers happy, just a thought! You guys are doing great work at Geneinno, keep it up! Even if there was some sort of discount I think your customers would appreciate it!!!