Geneinno T1 Titan Thruster Protectors

Eternal Angler


So if you're kind of new to the underwater drone world, be aware that a simple thing such as fishing line could get caught up in your propellers, wrap around around your thruster motor and damage your motor. Already happened to some fishermen on YouTube OriginaldoBo. I'm honestly surprised a lot of these drone companies haven't prepared for difficulties like this from the get go, but that's just how it goes, at least some of them are responding now, as Geneinno is soon to release some thruster protectors for their underwater drone, as well as QYSEA for the Fifish V6 which I'll post in their own specific forum.

After reading reviews stating that the Geneinno T1 is built like a tank, I just hope they also use stronger plastic for their propellers, as some Fifish V6 owners are already reporting their propellers getting eaten up by just some of the gravel from the bottom and weeds just from only a few dives. With a $2k+ price tag, I just hope the Titan is built with much more stronger materials. I know others like Stan Adam has reported that the Gladius Mini props slice right through weeds no problem.

A lot of things you have to factor in before buying an underwater drone, not just about the stability and video quality of the camera.