Underwater Footage of Largemouth Bass at Stony Creek Michigan

Eternal Angler


Just blown away how I'm able to chase around largemouth bass with the Chasing M2 at Stony Creek Lake in Michigan. Being able to do lateral movement is a big beneficial feature compared to a lot of the other drones that can only turn left or right, strafing to the left or right allows me to capture some nice side shots of the bass's environment and weed beds, I think it also allows me to capture more fish in the frame when other fish decide to school up with them. I chased that one largemouth bass around for a good 10 minutes, then two other bass joined him, very neat!

I got a little shaky video footage here and there when the 8 thrusters suddenly changed direction, but it's not as bad as I previously seen when new M2 videos were hitting youtube and instagram, if you use the curved power liner setting, you won't get a rush over power to your motors anymore. Also if you slow down your finger movement that helps as well too, I think with time the stabilization of this drown will get better and better with more software updates.

Ya know since the Chasing M2 is so easy to work on, I wonder if we'll be able to just easily change out old motors to new motors that might be smoother or more powerful in the future? I hope to see aftermarket companies come out with batteries, different propellers and motors, just like what we're seeing with the led light arms. We're slowly getting there folks, gonna take time! And hopefully since the Chasing M2 is easier to work on, maybe even get hardware updates like these, maybe it won't get so easily phased out like older generation of underwater drones like the Gladius Advanced Pro which no longer gets updates. It's something you should really consider when buying an underwater drone, like how long will my underwater drone get hardware and software updates? I have a feeling that the Chasing M2 is going to be in the spot light longer than a lot of underwater drones on the market since it's easier to do mods to and make upgrades, just a hunch!

Anyways, I hope to get out again soon with the Chasing M2, I think I'm gonna hold off on using the claw, just primarily film for the month of May and see if I can get any pike or musky film at Lake St. Clair. Speaking of pike, what's crazy is, the day I filmed this I caught all pike, yet captured all largemouth bass on film with the Chasing M2... Is that weird or what? That tells me that the pike may be a lot stealthier and not so willing to come up to the underwater drone like the largemouth bass are. Now I've seen other underwater drone operators get pike on film before, like this amazing video with the Gladius Mini, but it might not be a common thing since they're the apex predator of the lake most of the time. I mean I've seen musky and heard musky surface all the time next to charter boats, even do weird things where they poke their head out of the water to skim the surface. It just may be what mood they are in.... Really? Again, just weird I didn't get any pike on film when I captured bass everywhere, yet caught all pike with my Blue Fox spinner.



