GoPro MAX 360 Action Camera on Underwater Drone?

Eternal Angler


There's really endless ideas what you could attach to an underwater drone like the QYSEA Fifish V6 or Geneinno T1, how about a 360 action camera like the GoPro MAX. If you're aren't aware, this camera is waterproof and also has hypersmooth. It's always nice to have hypersmooth for the underwater ROVs that aren't as stable as the Gladius Mini, I'm sure these companies are working on improving stabilization, but I think hypersmooth will help many of these underwater drones capture a lot better stable video footage for the time being. We're living in very exciting times, I wonder what other gadgets we'll be able to slap on our ROVs in the sometimefuture, any ideas? Be sure to mention them down below!

Metal detector? A Net? Sonar? Fishing Pole? Night Vision?

What's nice about the Geneinno T1, it comes with an extendable interface down below that allows you add a claw, hydrophone, and from what Will Turner said, sonar!!! I'm sure many of the other underwater drone companies will take note of having an accessible input port on their underwater drones in future models. I'm still not sure how QYSEA plans on including a claw on the Fifish V6. I suspect they'll have to re-design the underneath shell of the body to compensate for some sort of wiring to have the claw open and close.