Best Sun Hood for Glare on Ipad using Underwater Drone

Eternal Angler

So a cool YouTuber named Franklin Murphy gave me neat tip for cutting glare on my Ipad by just putting a blanket over my head when navigating the Chasing M2 underwater drone around, it worked tremendously well. However, what happens when kayakers, jet skis and other boats come in the picture on a busy lake? I was over at my Marina the other day filming bass, anytime I heard a boat cruise by or startup I freaked out, because I had to take the blanket off every time just to see where my underwater drone is and how close it might be to the boat. Last thing I want is a boat to run over the tether, then it gets wrapped up in their propeller, pissing off the boater and then also making me go out and buy another tether. And really, the more drone operators that get cause a mishap like this is going create a band name for the hobby, then the rules start to role out!!!

Another problem is wind, on a clam day a simple blanket can work like charm, but on a north windy day at Lake St. Clair, it was a pain in the butt to deal with. I had to kind of wrap the blanket underneath my hands that supposed to be holding the controller for primarily navigating purposes. The blanked just kept waving back and forth, causing a major distraction.


Ya know, I talked about custom sun hoods before in other posts, but I never talked about this unique brand of sun hood by Hoodman Aviator. What's unique about is, it extends all the way to your face, unlike the other sun hoods that fall short and it also wraps around the entire Ipad or tablet fully blocking out the sun. And say the suns starting to go down and there's not much glare on your tablet anymore, well you take down the front section and just use the standard backing, since there's two separate sections to this sun hood. Reading the reviews, the only drawback I noticed is it takes kind of long to set up.

I still wonder though, if the wind can still grab a hold of this sun hood and cause the remote to maybe slip out of your hands or something, it is rather big? From looking at a lot of the sun hoods, this seems to be the best one and this will probably be the sun hood I purchase for my Chasing M2 soon. Hey, if it doesn't work well, just return it back to Amazon, simple as that!
